Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Winter's Blood blog tour ~ Review

Winter's Blood by Zachary Richardson

I enjoyed reading this novella. It was a quick, easy and entertaining read. The main character, Micheal was still mourning the loss of his love Abigail after 6 years of her dying in a car accident. Michael felt the pain of her loss every day since he lost her. It was crippling. The story starts with Michael meeting his sister as she picked him up to spend Christmas with their parents. Michael and his sister had a very strong relationship and the author makes that clear in the way they speak to each other and interact. The same can't be said for Michael's relationship with his parents. That has been strained for the past 6 years because they just don't understand why he can't just "get over it" and move on with his life. Michael wanted nothing more than to get through the holiday and get home.
His vacation gets off to a bad start when his dad attempts to relive some of their happier days. All Micheal can do though is feel the pain of his loss more because any reminder of happier times just makes the pain of Abby's loss closer to the surface. He runs off into the woods and that's when things take a strange turn.
I thought the characters were very well written and their relationships felt very real. I could feel Michael's pain, though in the beginning I didn't understand why it was so intense. I felt that the secondary characters could have used more of a back story. I had questions that were unanswered. Despite these unanswered questions, I still enjoyed this story. It wasn't terribly original, but it was a fun read and was well written. I'd give it a solid 4 stars. Good job Mr. Richardson.

Author Bio
Born at the beginning of August, Zachery is very much a summer baby;
despite being born in Washington and raised in Oregon. There are numerous
reasons why Zachery (or Zach, as he prefers) started writing, but perhaps the
biggest are his wildly overactive imagination, a deep love of all things
fantastical and otherworldly, and a sixth grade teacher who finally let him use
these tools to complete his homework assignments. The defining moment
however, his official point-of-no-return, was a motivational speaker that came
to his school in 8th grade to deliver this line of wisdom: "To be truly happy in
life, find something you love doing, and then find someone who'll pay you to
do it."
The rest, as they often say, is history.
Now, Zach spends most of his time living in half a dozen worlds at once, with
half of his mind drifting pleasantly in and out of reality to visit whichever
fantasy world strikes its fancy. The other half of his mind stays home in the
real world, taking the stories his fantasy mind comes back with and turning
them into books. It's a complicated relationship to be sure, but Zach actually
likes it that way.
Author Links
Amazon Buy Page:

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