Home for the Holidays
Lori Toland
Book 2 - The Replacement Guitarist Series
Jason Stockton and Blaze Shinozuka are looking forward to
escaping their hectic rock and roll lifestyle for a relaxing holiday. Their
plan seems promising, and the passion between them burns hotter than ever as
they keep each other warm despite the icy temperatures.
When a surprise Stockton family get-together threatens to
reveal what Jason would rather keep hidden, their budding relationship is put
to the test and an impromptu trip to Hawaii makes the differences between them
more obvious than ever.
Thanks to two chaotic family holidays and a lot of painful
secrets, Christmas could end up being more than their new found love can
Favorite Quote:
Jason held out his hand. “Take it and if I let go, I promise
it won’t be for long.”
When Blaze
reached the street, a horse drawn carriage like the ones he’d seen
in Central Park was parked in front of the restaurant. Jason gestured
for him to get in and he cocked his eyebrow. “A horse-drawn
carriage. Really?”
Jason grinned. “I’ve always wanted
to go on one but I’ve never had the chance to.”
“You’re kidding, right? A hot guy
like you couldn’t rope a date into going with you?” Blaze teased.
Jason ducked his head. “There wasn’t
anyone I wanted to take with me before you.”
Blaze grinned, honored by the gesture.
“Really? Well, then I feel special.”
Jason got in and offered his hand to
Blaze to help him into the carriage. Blaze smiled, getting in and
settling down onto the leather seats. “Are you sure it’s okay for
us to do this?”
Jason frowned. “Why wouldn’t it
Blaze shrugged as Jason settled into
the seat next to him. The driver gave her order to the horses and
they set off. Once the carriage rolling smoothly, she glanced over
her shoulder at them. “There are some wool blankets if you need
them. It’s supposed to snow tonight.”
Jason reached for them but Blaze caught
his hand. “I’m allergic to wool, Jase. Besides, I don’t think I
need it. My coat is lined.”
Jason leaned over and whispered, “I
think she told us that so we could snuggle under the blanket.”
“Oh… well, in that case….”
Blaze grinned, and when Jason pulled back and returned the smile, a
thrill of happiness ran through him. Jason threaded their fingers
together, and tucked the blanket around their bodies, being careful
so it didn’t touch Blaze’s bare skin.
Blaze looked around at the buildings as
they made their way toward Central Park, the hoofbeat of the horses
creating a rhythm of its own. Jason squeezed his hand through his
lined gloves, and he looked over at his lover. “Having fun?”
Blaze nodded. “Are you?”
Jason reached up with his other hand
and cupped Blaze’s cheek. “Yeah.”
He smiled as Jason leaned in. Their
lips met in a gentle, unhurried kiss and when he pulled back, Jason
trailed his gloved thumb over Blaze’s cheek. He leaned in again,
and this time he slid his tongue in to meet Jason’s, and he moved
closer to his partner.
Blaze felt something against his cheek,
and he reached up to brush it away with his finger. Nothing could
distract him right now, not when Jason sucked on his bottom lip
gently. Blaze sighed softly, and reached beneath the thick material
of Jason’s jacket to pull him close.
Something else brushed against his
cheek. It must have been his hair and he tried to make a mental note
to get a haircut, though Jason drove away the thought with another
kiss. He felt the sensation again, and he pulled away from his
boyfriend to brush the strands out of his face.
Jason opened his eyes a fraction but
Blaze barely noticed. Snowflakes stood stark white against Jason’s
dark curls before they melted. He grinned. “Jase, look! It’s
Jason looked toward the sky and his
smile took Blaze’s breath away. When Jason looked back, his eyes
were shining as the snowflakes melted along his impossibly long
eyelashes. “Perfect,” Jason said softly.
Buy Links:
Home For The Holidays:
Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00GQZDJME
ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-homefortheholidays-1334855-149.html
BN: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/replacement-guitarist-lori-toland/1100243600?ean=2940149081998
The Replacement Guitarist
Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00EVIXJSC
ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-thereplacementguitarist-1269371-149.html
BN: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/home-for-the-holidays-lori-toland/1029372632?ean=2940148980483&itm=1&usri=2940148980483
Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00GQZDJME
ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.
BN: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/
The Replacement Guitarist
Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00EVIXJSC
ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.
BN: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/
Book 1 - The Replacement Guitarist
Buy Links for book 1:
About the Author
Lori Toland
website http://loritoland.com
twitter username loritoland
genre Romance, Gay & Lesbian, Ebooks
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